Rituals Books

  • Celebrating Diwali
    A description of the five-day Diwali festival in India, including traditions, rituals, and significance.
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  • Advento burtai ADVENT MAGICS
    A collection of children's stories about different Christmas magic rituals and their meanings.
  • Bensen's First Vesak Day
    Bensen shares his experience of celebrating Vesak Day, the most important day for Buddhists, and explains its significance and rituals.
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  • The Devil's Ritual
    Sir Eli embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue Prince Arrav from an evil ritual. With the help of his army, he battles the Mahjarrats and saves the world from chaos.
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  • Culture in a Box
    The story explores different aspects of culture, such as music, food, art, behavior, clothing, language, rituals, beliefs, and heritage.
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  • The Eucharist
    An informative book about the Eucharist, its significance, and the actions and rituals associated with it.
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  • The Navajo Origin Legend
    A creation myth about the origins of First Man and First Woman, told through a series of rituals performed by gods and mirage people.
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  • CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS ”Christmas Safe from Covid 19”
    This is an eBook made in collaboration, within the eTwinning project called ”Christmas Safe from Covid 19”
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