River Basins Books

    This book provides information about the life of pandas, including their habitat, diet, life cycle, and fun facts.
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  • Hiwassee River Basin
    An informational book about the Hiwassee River Basin, covering its size, location, geographical features, biotic and abiotic features, problems, proposed solutions, and fun f…
  • Rock Cycle Story
    Two friends, Goku and Vegeta, have a detailed conversation about scientific topics such as the Rock Cycle, Valleys, River Basins, and more.
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  • All About Siberian Husky
    An informational book about Siberian Huskies, covering their origin, appearance, behavior, and health. Includes a glossary and index.
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  • The journey of a water molecule
    A description of the water cycle and its journey from the cloud to the ocean, with a focus on the Catawba River Basin.
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  • Is it a Living Thing?
    Is it a Living Thing? is an informative children's book that introduces various animals and plants from A to Z. Each page features a different creature or plant, providing br…
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    A is for Africa by Nathaly Falcon is an informative book that takes readers on a journey through Africa, exploring its geography, wildlife, and culture. Each letter of the al…
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  • The Holy River of Ganga
    The story of how the Ganges River came to Earth and its significance in Hindu religion, based on mythology.
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