Robotics Books

  • Al's Scientific Sensation
    Al, a new student, faces challenges at his new school but proves himself with his talent for robotics.
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    We are Team 117A and we ARE the meaning of GIRL POWERED!!!
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  • If I Built a Bedroom
    Zack describes his boring bedroom and imagines a futuristic room with helpful features like robotic cleaning, a toothbrush in the wall, and a secret passage to a toy store.
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  • The Sky Was His Limit A Biography of Grant Imahara
    Learn about an amazing robotics engineer and his experiences in Hollywood!
  • I solve real problems with a robotic coding
    A collection of student projects showcasing various smart home designs and technologies, including automatic lighting, earthquake warning systems, rain sensors, and more.
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  • Ungifted
    Donovan, a troublemaker, accidentally breaks a statue and is sent to a gifted school. He faces challenges but ultimately gets to stay on the robotics team.
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  • Learning About Autism Through Kids
    This short story is about a little boy befriending a classmate with Autism. This books encourages kindness, acceptance and awareness.
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