Roles Books

  • What Makes You a Super Hero?
    This book helps remind kids that through every day actions of being kind, helpful and thoughtful, they have the "powers" to be a Super Hero.
    Eye Icon 115649
    Star Icon 1593
  • The Life Cycle of a Chicken
    This book explains the life cycle of a chicken, from egg to adult. It covers hatching, growth, and the role of the mother hen.
    Eye Icon 14739
    Star Icon 62
  • Clowns
    An informative book about the history, types, and characteristics of clowns, including their appearances and roles.
    Eye Icon 499
    Star Icon 5
  • Minecraft Story Mode
    A Minecraft story about a monster destroying the world, with a pig named Reuben playing a heroic role.
    Eye Icon 4288
    Star Icon 241
  • Role Of Women
    The story provides a detailed account of women's roles during the American Revolution, highlighting their contributions at home and in war. It features notable figures like A…
  • Eagles
    A brief introduction to eagles, their characteristics, habitats, and role as protectors of the United States.
    Eye Icon 318
    Star Icon 35
  • The Ideal Role Model
    The story discusses the qualities of an ideal role model and how they can inspire others to live a healthy, responsible, and positive life.
    Eye Icon 564
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    This book tells the story of Harriet Tubman and her role in the Underground Railroad, rescuing over 300 slaves.
    Eye Icon 2950
    Star Icon 28
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