Romanticism Books

    An overview of the Romanticism period in literature, including its characteristics, key authors, and impact.
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  • Romanticism Project
    Two characters, Dr. Heidegger and Allen, reflect on their lives, loves, and losses through poetic monologues.
    by Tnt3
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  • Literary Salons in Victorian era
    A brief introduction to eight famous English authors and their notable works.
  • ABC's of Romanticism
    This is an alphabetical exploration of various themes and concepts found in Romantic era writings. Each letter represents a different theme, from Abstract Things to Zany idea…
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  • ABC's of Robert Burns
    This is a collection of short descriptions about Robert Burns, his life, poems, and influence. It covers his birthplace, relationships, death, and themes in his poetry.
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  • Poetry of the 19th century
    An overview of the three main literary styles of the 19th century: Transcendentalism, Romanticism, and anti-Romanticism, with examples of poems from each style and their char…
    XIX century American poetry. Transition from Romanticism to Realism: Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson.
  • A Trip in History
    A father takes his technology-obsessed son to a museum, where they explore American history. The boy learns about various historical events and figures, sparking his interest…
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