Rural Books

  • Gambill Archaeology
    Gambill Archaeology showcases the best artifacts found by members of the Gambill family. Its author, Adam Gambill, is a history instructor at Three Rivers College in poplar b…
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  • Jack's Trip to the City
    Jack visits his cousin Olivia in the city with the help of her police officer dad. They explore various places and return home at sunset.
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  • Resilience
    Valeria, a little girl from a rural village, is sad about moving to the big city of Chicago. However, she learns to embrace the change and finds happiness in her new surround…
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  • Communities
    The story describes rural, urban, and suburban communities, highlighting their characteristics and differences.
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  • William H. Price Jr. Citizen Soldier
    This is a detailed account of William H. Price Jr.'s life, from his childhood in rural Mississippi during the 1930s to his service in the State Guard during World War II and …
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  • Urbanization in Frisco
    The story explains the different types of areas - rural, suburban, urban, metropolitan, and megalopolis - using Frisco as an example.
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  • Captain Co-op, the New Assistant, & the Tornado
    Captain Co-op and his assistant, Volt the electric eel, work at a cooperative that provides electricity and community services. They face a tornado and help with storm damage.
  • From Rural Roots to Urban Adventures
    Scarlet, a young woman from a rural community, pursues a psychology degree in Guayaquil. She adapts to city life, excels in her studies, and embraces cultural experiences.
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