Sacrifice Books

  • The Sacrifice
    Will Dhana and Kundan choose family over desire, or will their want for wealth take over?
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  • The Legend of the Sea
    The story of a young mermaid's quest to reunite with a handsome Viking prince after saving his life one night during a violent storm. A magical tale of love, sacrifice and ad…
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  • Be Brave
    A dog, raised by a cat, learns to be brave and never give up. After losing his mother, he finds a human family and helps his kid grow up brave. He saves his family from a wil…
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  • The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
    A heartwarming story about the unconditional love between a tree and a boy, as they grow older and their needs change.
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  • Tharros and Asteri
    This is my first book on storyjumper! Please comment and like my story! I wrote this story in 6th grade.
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  • The Coming of the Corn
    A Cherokee folktale that can be used to assess student knowledge of plant life cycles.
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    Annalia, a young girl dealing with her mother's rare disease and the loss of their service dog, is taken on a magical adventure by Slick, who claims to be her twin. They navi…
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  • The Little Mermaid
    A mermaid named Ariel falls in love with a human prince and makes a deal with a sea witch to get legs, but loses her voice in the process.
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