Sacromere Books

  • My Wicked Adventure
    An informative book about the function and components of a sacromere, a unit of muscle. It explains how myosin, actin, ATP, calcium, and tropomyosin work together to make mus…
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  • The Adventures Of Myosin Filament
    A fairy named Myosin saves Contractoville from the jealous Tropomyosin with the help of other fairies. The story also includes information about muscle contractions.
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  • Sally's Bedtime Story
    Sally wants a bedtime story about how the arm moves. Mike Myosin helps Ava Actin escape from a boulder in Sacromere.
  • My Name is Myosin, Myosin Filament
    Myosin, a motor protein, explains the process of muscle contraction and the role of various proteins involved.
  • The Tale o' th' Good & th' Bad Pirates
    Dan and Greg, two pirates, discuss the similarities between a muscle cell and a pirate ship. They encounter various challenges and triumph in the end.
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  • Detective Myosin
    Detective Myosin, a fibrous protein, is on a mission to find Actin and help Mr. Bicep contract. With the help of ATP and Calcium, Detective Myosin completes the mission but r…
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