Safety Precautions Books

  • The Tale of Covid-19
    A child learns about the coronavirus and its impact on daily life, including shelter-in-place orders and safety precautions.
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  • How to survive tornadoes
    A guide on how to prepare for and survive a tornado, including seeking shelter and post-tornado safety precautions.
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  • Tornadoes
    A brief and somewhat disorganized book about tornadoes, including their formation, impact, and safety precautions.
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  • Kitchen safety With Skyler
    Skyler learns how to bake cookies with her mom, following step-by-step instructions and safety precautions.
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    An informational book about gorillas, covering their types, size, food, predators, behavior, survival, baby gorillas, and safety precautions.
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  • Around a playground in a jiffy
    A child author provides detailed instructions for building a playground, including materials and safety precautions.
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  • Volcanos
    This book provides an informative overview of volcanoes, including their formation, types, effects, and safety precautions.
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  • Eclipses
    This informative text provides a detailed explanation of solar and lunar eclipses, including their types, causes, and cultural interpretations. It also includes safety precau…
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