Sahara Books

  • The Dry Desert
    An informative book about the Sahara Desert, its climate, plants, and animals. It also mentions other deserts in the world.
  • Danger in the Desert
    Mia, an archaeologist, and her colleague Joan embark on a treasure hunt in the Sahara. They face dangers, solve puzzles, and find the treasure.
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  • The Desert
    An informative book about the Sahara desert, its climate, animals, and plants, including an oasis with palm trees.
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  • The Sahara desert
    An informative book about the Sahara Desert ecosystem, including its living and non-living components.
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  • My Journey to the Sahara Desert
    Daria, a biologist, goes to the Sahara Desert to study animals. She encounters challenges with the weather, skunks, and cacti, but ultimately succeeds in her mission.
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  • Sammy the Elephant's Family Tree
    Sammy, a young elephant in the Sahara, struggles to find a project for school. With help from friends and his mother, he learns about his family history and creates an impres…
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  • Donald and Daisy Duck Deduce
    Donald and Daisy Duck find "D" words. They are quite the sleuths.
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  • The Dark Continent Africa
    This book provides an overview of Africa's major physical regions, including the Sahara, Sahel, Ethiopian Highlands, Savanna, Swahili Coast, rainforest, African Great Lakes, …
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