Saving Lives Books

  • Saving lives
    This book is about a girl who finds a way to save a kittens live.
  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Saving Water, Saving Lives
    Maya, driven by her concern for the environment, leads a movement to save water from pollution. Her resilience and determination inspire others to join her cause, resulting i…
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  • Saving Lives
    A mermaid encounters challenges while trying to help a stranded turtle, eventually discovering baby turtles and feeling fulfilled.
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  • Finn and the Orange Root
    Finn, a curious boy, learns about the healing properties of a special strain of carrot against COVID-19. With his father's help, they use microchips and parrots to distribute…
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  • Saving Society from COVID-19
    A story about school-aged children showing appreciation to healthcare workers while demonstrating leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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  • The Legend of the Sea
    The story of a young mermaid's quest to reunite with a handsome Viking prince after saving his life one night during a violent storm. A magical tale of love, sacrifice and ad…
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  • Saving Lives with a Smile
    The story is about the everyday life of a doctor named Samantha who loves to listen to Romantic period music. She uses this music to relax and rest her mind despite all the c…
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