Savings Account Books

  • Peppa Pig and friends learn to save!
    Peppa Pig learns about the importance of saving money and starts a savings account with her parents' help.
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  • Investment Fable
    A lion and a bear make different choices with their savings: the lion invests in stocks, while the bear saves money. After 10 years, the lion's investment is nearly destroyed…
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  • CREDIT SECRETS FOR EVERYONE 16 Credit Secrets That They Don't Want You To Know! By: Carlos Anaya
    The truth is, if you have a bank account and bills, then you have a credit score, and your credit score matters more than you might think. Your credit score may be called man…
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  • CD's vs. Savings Accounts
    Jimmy and Erin make different choices for saving money: Jimmy invests in a CD for retirement, while Erin chooses a savings account for a new car. The story discusses the bene…
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  • The monkey and the dog
    A monkey and a dog are best friends. The dog saves money and buys a house, while the monkey loses his money in the stock market.
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  • Christmas Money
    Janey receives money for Christmas and decides to start a bank account with her friend Hilton's help. They learn about saving, earning interest, and responsible financial hab…
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  • A Tale of Investments
    Two friends, Marley and Yogi, have extra money to invest. Yogi chooses a low-interest savings account for immediate access, while Marley invests in savings bonds for long-ter…
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