Scamming Books

  • If Adopt Me Roblox was in real Life
    What happens when a Player in Adopt Me decides to scam another Player?
    Eye Icon 803
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  • Adopt Me Guide
    ADOPT ME GUIDE!!! PERFECT if your NEW to the game!!! Here you will find the pets, events and how to stay safe in this fun roleplay game!
    Eye Icon 994
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  • Scammer gets scammed
    Two friends encounter a scammer in a game and devise a plan to teach him a lesson and get him banned.
  • Maggie & Millie Save Fairies
    Maggie and Millie have a magical adventure when they discover a man named Bob is scamming fairies. With the help of their fairy friends, they save the day.
    Eye Icon 78
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  • How to Become Rich on Roblox Adopt me!
    A guide on how to play a game called Roblox, including tips on hatching eggs, raising pets, and trading for profit.
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  • Adopt me guide
    A guide to the game 'Adopt Me' in which players raise and trade virtual pets, with tips on avoiding scams and information about different types of eggs and events.
  • Roblox Adopt Me Guide: Table of Contents.
    This is the Table of Contents for the series of books I'll be doing on this topic. If we get this book to 500 likes on the first 30 days, I"ll be doing a giveaway!
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  • Adopt Me
    Adopt Me is my favorite Game, maybe after reading this it will be yours!
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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