Scandinavia Books

  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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  • History of all the civilizations!
    This is a great non-fiction book, I will guarantee! I would not say it is the best but it took me a lot of effort to think of the words like what to say.
  • The Hanseatic League
    The story provides a brief history of the Hanseatic League, its purpose, formation, dominance, and decline.
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  • Vikings from Scandinavia
    A brief overview of the Viking Age, including their settlements, raids, and cultural contributions.
  • The Vikings
    An introduction to the Vikings, their origins, travels, appearance, and occupations.
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  • The Vikings
    A brief introduction to the Vikings, their origins, raids, language, ships, warriors, and their influence on America and mythology.
  • Exploring Norway
    A multi-genre book about the Kingdom of Norway, including a comic, poetry, and fun facts. It covers geography, culture, history, and food.
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  • Polar Animals
    Ready to learn about polar animals? We will take a trip in your imagination to the Arctic and Antarctic to learn about them. And the best part is that you will be back in tim…
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