School Projects Books

  • Little Bear is Stuck at Home
    This book goes along with the Little Bear series. It is about the main character, Little Bear, who faces tough times during this awful COVID-19 self-isolation.
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  • The Three Cheetah Swifts
    This book is adapted from the story "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". It was a project for school to rewrite a well-known fairy tale. I hope you enjoy it.
  • by Miss Marisol and Sandy
    The book covers various topics including science, school projects, language arts, and music. It provides instructions for making a fruit salad and a windmill, and includes pe…
  • Jani's School Project by Nancy Hargie
    Jani is a middle school student who has an assignment to research a famous person and learn why she became famous.
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  • Our First Story Book of Animals 我们的第一本动物故事书 by Dr. Foster
    This is a book for young children and for Mandarin learners. Join Barrack as he considers, with the help of a friend, what kind of animal he wants for a pet.
    by ge23
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  • The Story of Well-Being Behind the Borders Matilda's Diary
    Matilda visits various schools in Turkey and other countries to learn about their well-being projects. Students share their experiences and activities that promote happiness …
  • Teachers and students members of the Etwinning project
    Education plays an important role in the development of an individual and making him a knowledgeable citizen. It is the education that makes an individual self-reliant, helps…
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  • The Fire Adventures of Charlie & Ruff!
    This book was a school project for my high school, it's purpose is to educate kids in fire safety in a fun kind of silly way.
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