Scientific Law Books

  • Biology Vocabulary Book
    This book explains the scientific method, hypothesis, data, variables, theory, law, and validity in a clear and concise manner.
  • Sir Isaac Newton's Children Book
    This book provides a brief biography of Sir Isaac Newton and explains his contributions to science, including his laws of motion. It also includes illustrations to help expla…
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  • Quick History of the Universe till now
    A detailed and informative book about the history of the universe, from the Big Bang to the far future, with a focus on scientific concepts and events.
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  • Galileo Galilei
    The story discusses the Scientific Revolution and Galileo's contributions to astronomy, including his impact on the heliocentric model.
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  • Biology vocabulary
    This is an informative text that provides a comprehensive introduction to biology. It covers various topics such as the scientific method, biochemistry, cell structure and fu…
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  • Sir Isaac Newton
    The story of Isaac Newton's life, education, and scientific achievements, including his discoveries in mathematics and physics.
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  • What Makes us Human?
    I had to answer this question at school, and I thought you all would find my opinion interesting. Please comment!
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  • The Nature of Science
    This book introduces various scientific concepts related to technology, physical science, and the scientific method.
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