Scoring Books

  • The Soccer Ball
    A soccer ball dreams of scoring a goal and finally achieves it with the help of a boy named Josh.
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  • NBA Hoop Session
    A list of NBA players and their achievements, including scoring and assist leaders.
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  • Lacrosse
    An introduction to the sport of lacrosse, covering gear, types of sticks, positions, and how to score a point.
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  • Football
    This book explains the game of football, covering topics such as touchdowns, extra points, field goals, safeties, and 2-point conversions.
  • Cell Basketball
    A story about a basketball game and the importance of scoring points, passing the ball, and halftime.
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  • Soccer Players
    A book about soccer, including famous players and events, with a focus on the World Cup and women's soccer.
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  • visit to a cricket match
    A 12-year-old's exciting experience watching a cricket match between Bangladesh and India, with his favorite player scoring a century and Bangladesh winning.
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  • Cricket For Beginners
    This book will talk all about batting bowling and the basics of cricket. So if you are looking to start your cricket career then this book will show you what you need to get …
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