Scuba Diving Books

  • Rose's Gift
    This is a story about a young girl, by a young girl, to inspire a world of young girls.
    Eye Icon 4841
    Star Icon 208
  • The Boy of
    A nostalgic reflection on various toys, sports, and experiences from the author's childhood.
    Eye Icon 3183
    Star Icon 258
  • Kaia and Maya Adventures: Trip to Hawaii
    Kaia and Maya are two adventurous sisters. In this book Kaia and Maya go to Hawaii. They play in the sand and swim with the dolphins. Hope you enjoy.
    Eye Icon 372
    Star Icon 46
  • Shark Shock
    Four teenagers go on a fishing trip and encounter various sea creatures, including a tiger shark. They learn about marine life and conservation.
  • Under the Ocean Blue!
    A collection of short descriptions about different ocean creatures, including crabs, sharks, turtles, octopuses, seahorses, and eels.
    Eye Icon 7923
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  • Minion Life
    This book gives you a peek of what type of life a minion lives in.
    Eye Icon 748
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  • The Treasure hunting scuba diving barber
    Joe, a barber and scuba diver, finds a map and goes diving. He discovers a sunken ship with treasure but escapes when it shifts. Joe returns home and is rewarded.
    Eye Icon 5
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  • Scuba diving trip
    A child's scuba diving adventure, exploring underwater creatures and marine life, with some grammar and spelling errors.
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