Search Engines Books

  • Larry Page The Story of Google
    The story of Larry Page, the founder of Google, and his journey from a socially awkward child to a successful entrepreneur.
    by clin
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  • Rose's Gift
    This is a story about a young girl, by a young girl, to inspire a world of young girls.
    Eye Icon 4836
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  • Networks and the Internet
    This book provides an introduction to computer networks, IP addresses, HTML, search engines, and search result rankings.
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  • A Library of Unimaginable Size
    Kids learn about the internet, search engines, and online resources through a story about an amazing library.
  • ABC's of Digital Safety
    A guide for children on internet safety, covering topics such as social media, online bullying, and computer security.
    Eye Icon 84
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  • Mama Hen &The Curious Chick
    A curious little chick asks her mama questions and learns to use a computer for answers.
    Eye Icon 108
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  • - It is the second most used search engine. - The audiovisual content is very attractive. - Youtube allows intera
    An overview of YouTube, its history, features, impact on popular culture, advantages, and disadvantages.
  • Computer
    Let's learn about Computer's with Vedansh! Just play this Wordwall link after reading book .
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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