Self-confidence Books

  • Terry and Fear
    This book is for children dealing with fear. Do not allow fear to stop you from doing great things in life and making right decisions. We must teach children to be bold and t…
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  • The Zebra and the Giraffe
    A zebra and a giraffe are best friends but they are showing off to each other because one can do something that the other can't. Then they remember that they are two differen…
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  • Max Finds His Confidence.
    A teenage warrior named Max overcomes his lack of confidence and becomes a great warrior through training and battles.
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  • The Boy Who is Afraid of Water
    A charming story about a fish and a boy who is afraid of water.
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  • Lola The Fairy
    “Lola The Fairy” is a story about a gerbil being scared of performing his talent of playing the violin on stage. In the story, he will learn that you should not let fear stop…
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    Tori overcomes her fear of dancing on her first day of dance school with the help of her Nanny, and eventually becomes a professional dancer and dance teacher.
  • Recess in Kindergarten
    Starting kindergarten can be a confusing change, but others can help you make the transition.
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  • Harriette the Crazy-Haired Chick
    Harriette the crazy-haired chick is afraid of everything. See how she learns to solve her problem with a little help.
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