Self-harm Books

  • The Adventures of the Quarantine Gang
    Cendy introduces Goals Town, a place where people build their goal houses. She describes the town's features and the challenges they face from the Quarantine Gang. The townsp…
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  • a piece of reality by Georgia coombs
    A teenager discusses the alarming rates of youth suicide and self-harm, advocating for awareness, prevention, and support.
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  • Hopeless
    Isaac Shepard, a 15-year-old boy, hides his depression and self-mutilation from friends and family until his girlfriend, Isabella, discovers it. With her support, he gets hel…
  • Major Depression
    Jennifer, a once happy and energetic teenager, faces loneliness, strained relationships, self-harm, and depression. With the support of her boyfriend and professional help, s…
  • How Depression affects teenagers.
    A research paper on how depression affects teenagers, including its impact on self-esteem, self-harm, substance abuse, and academic performance. The author also shares their …
  • A young girl struggles with depression and self-harm, but finds support from her parents and therapist.
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  • Story Jumper
    A collection of short informational passages on various topics related to self-esteem, dating guidelines, sexting, dating violence, sexual harassment, and bullying.
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  • Why are you so sad Sarah?
    Sarah's struggle with sadness, loneliness, and thoughts of self-harm. With therapy and exercise, she learns to manage her depression.
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