Self-interest Books

  • Fred's Free Enterprise Journey
    Fred learns about scarcity, factors of production, trade-offs, capitalism, property rights, profit motive, and self-interest on his free enterprise journey.
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  • Egocentricism and the U.S.
    A historical account of the United States' expansion and its impact on Native Americans, highlighting the country's self-interest over others.
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  • The narrator explores the concept of friendship and his own rational egoism, discussing his relationships and values.
  • Karl Marx and Adam Smith
    A brief introduction to the lives and ideas of economists Karl Marx and Adam Smith, highlighting their famous works and beliefs.
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  • Storybook
    An educational book explaining economic concepts such as scarcity, factors of production, trade-offs, capitalism, property rights, profit motive, and self-interest.
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  • Karm Marx and Adam Smiths ADVENTURE Time
    Two heroes, Karl Marx and Adam Smith, have different economic ideologies and write influential books.
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  • The Economy
    John, an average consumer, experiences scarcity, trade-offs, self-interest, property rights, profit motive, and factors of production.
    A stork tricks fish into leaving a dry pond, eats them, but is killed by a crab. The moral is to not do evil.
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