Selfies Books

  • Safer #SELFIES
    Marissa and Julia navigate the dangers of social media, learning important safety rules along the way.
    Eye Icon 99
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  • Friends
    Friends are a powerful part of our universe and I personally believe everyone deserves a friend.
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  • Selfies with families
    A child shares their family's selfies, including their siblings, dog, cousin, and themselves.
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  • Peter the Penguin
    Peter the Penguin dreams of flying and builds a glider to achieve his dream. He takes a risk and learns to fly, fulfilling his dream.
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  • Cyber Bullying
    A girl named Christina is cyberbullied by a bully named Mouse through social media, but she learns to be more cautious online.
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  • Gabby goes to Germany
    A traveler takes selfies in various locations in Berlin, capturing the culture, landmarks, and experiences.
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    Jesse Azaria is a kid who really loves to chew gum. Pink bubblegum is his favorite and he chews it all the time. After getting busted by his teacher for chewing gum in class,…
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  • Amigas
    Izabel and her friend Linde share their dreams, hobbies, and friendship at El Campito school.
    Eye Icon 59
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