Sentimental Books

  • My Family Artifact
    A girl receives a jewelry box from her grandmother, which holds sentimental value and connects her to her family's history.
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  • The Gifts
    The narrator describes two artifacts, a doll chair and a deacon's bench, that their father built for them on special occasions. The artifacts hold sentimental value and are c…
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  • Family Artifact
    A personal story about a small, pink antique clock that has been passed down through generations and holds sentimental value.
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  • The bike is rusty!
    A child reflects on their old bicycle and car, realizing the sentimental value of the car despite its age.
  • Muffins Without Mom
    This book is a guide for children who have lost a parent, filled with activities to help them cope. It also tells the story of Maddie, a girl who loses her mother to Pancreat…
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    Alex is less than thrilled that he needs to get his volunteer hours at a retirement residence. He's even less enthused when he has to accompany some seniors to see an old-tim…
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  • Sarah's Story
    A personal narrative about the author's family history, including the loss of sentimental items and the importance of preserving personal artifacts.
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  • My Special Artifact
    A personal story about a Corn Shucker that holds sentimental value and has been in the family for generations.
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