Sequences Books

  • Life Cycle of a Star
    The story follows the life cycle of a massive star, from its formation as a stellar nebula to its transformation into a black hole.
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    This is the sequence of how God created the Earth.
    Believe in the Lord, and he will have mercy on you.
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  • Sequences! Series! Permutations!
    A math book covering sequences, series, permutations, combinations, and Pascal's Triangle.
  • All about Functions
    A math textbook chapter on linear and exponential functions, including definitions, examples, equations, and graphs.
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  • Sally and her Sequences
    Sally, a 4th grader, uses arithmetic sequences to solve a problem of finding the number of seats in an auditorium.
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  • If you are a Quarterback
    A short, informative story about the role of a quarterback in football and the sequence of actions they take to score.
  • The Life Story of my Star
    This Book is about the life cycle of a massive star.
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  • Lady, the Puppy, and the Platypus
    This storybook teaches children to be socially tolerant and inclusive. It teaches that prejudice is wrong and encourages children to stand against it. This book is aligned wi…
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