Sewer Books

  • The Girl in the Sewer
    Nico falls into a sewer and meets a girl named Melana. They form a bond and escape together.
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  • The Journey of the Little Pea
    A pea narrates its journey through the human digestive and circulatory systems, ending up in the sewers.
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  • Choose Your Own Adventure: The Blue Fin War
    A choose-your-own-adventure story where the protagonist explores different scenarios after accepting or declining a dare to go down to the sewers.
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  • Tom and his friends gets flushed down the toilet
    This is a book about Tom and his friends getting flushed down the toilet and down the sewer they go. Tom and Sam were worried about Bill being lost in the sewer forever. When…
  • Journey to the Center of the Earth
    Jamal and Chris, while playing baseball, find a passage in the sewer that leads them to explore the layers of the Earth. They return home and share their adventure with their…
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  • Journey of a Water Droplet
    A simple and informative book about the water cycle, explaining the processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, and transpiration.
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  • Where's My Water?
    Swampy and his friends battle a monster in the sewer, using water to defeat it. They succeed and celebrate their victory.
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  • Soccer in the Park
    Ethan and his friends play soccer at the park, encounter a mishap with the ball rolling into a sewer, but manage to retrieve it and continue playing. They dream of becoming s…
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