Shapeshifting Books

  • Kevin and Tod
    This is a book about a human named Kevin and a sea turtle named Tod. Enjoy!
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  • Witch School: 2
    Sarah, a new student at a magical school, discovers her power of shapeshifting into a wolf. As she navigates her new life, she learns about a former student named Heath who w…
  • Drippys Journey
    Drippy, a water drop with shape-shifting powers, takes readers on a journey through the water cycle, sharing his experiences and knowledge along the way.
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    Princess Aria uncovers a strange mystery when she joins the famous Mutaforma shape-shifters. Will she be able to save the mythical creatures?
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  • The Shifter and The Morph
    The Shifter and The Morph, two heroes with shapeshifting powers, must defeat the villain, The Transformer. After a battle, they imprison him and use his lair as their headqua…
  • The Golden Pig Of Magicness
    Twig, a dragon who can shapeshift into a stick, desires a pet pig. He goes on a mission to New Pork City with his friends and eventually gets a golden pig. However, the pig t…
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  • The Prince and The Shapeshifting Demon
    Prince Larry meets a girl named Clara who turns out to be a demon. He is saved by talking bunnies and sent on a mission to defeat the demon. He succeeds, becomes king, and pr…
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  • The Magical Team Of Six
    In this Story read about The Magical Team Of Six! Hope you enjoy it and sorry for not making books for a while!
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