Shipwrecks Books

  • The Shipwreck Survival
    Sujaay, a young boy, finds himself in a dire situation when the ship he's on runs out of fuel and crashes. He ends up on an island with a man named Animaker, where they face …
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  • Rose's Gift
    This is a story about a young girl, by a young girl, to inspire a world of young girls.
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  • The Treasure Map - Part II
    Having discovered a treasure map, Charles and Elizabeth make passage for Shipwreck Island. Not knowing what they will unearth, Charles and Elizabeth duly follow their treasur…
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  • The Shipwreck
    a story about a ship that sank not a real boat will they survive the boat was origanaly uss yeet

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  • Desert Island
    A group of people survive a shipwreck and settle on an island. They gather supplies, explore the island, and encounter a wild beast.
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  • diver's guide to europe
    A travel diary of Ian's scuba diving adventures in Spain, Italy, Greece, Norway, and Iceland, exploring marine life and shipwrecks.
  • Robinson Crusoe
    Robinson Crusoe recounts his adventures at sea, including shipwrecks, encounters with pirates, and his life on a deserted island.
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  • A Gray Day
    Theo reluctantly visits a museum but has a transformative experience when he discovers exhibits on puzzles, mysteries, and history.
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