Shopping Books

  • Mama Sloth Goes SHOPPING!
    Mama Sloth must make a trip to the "Sloth Mart." But she has 4 kids to pile into the car and take. Will they make it to the store and back home before Daddy Sloth gets home f…
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  • G.G. is getting forgetful
    A young girl visits her grandmother, G.G., and notices her forgetfulness. They go shopping, but G.G. misplaces her jewelry. The next day, they find G.G. at the church on the …
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  • Shopping at the Grocery Store
    Taking a virtual trip to the store can be fun too! Watch Ms. E shop for her recipe of the week here!
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  • Lily and her Shoe
    Hi, I am Arna. I am 5 year old and graduated recently from Pre-K. I love writing stories. Hope you enjoy my books. :)
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  • Diary of a wimpy kid
    A diary of a young boy's daily activities, including school, shopping, and playing video games with his friend.
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  • The Sparkly Pink Shoes
    Emma wishes for sparkly pink shoes for her birthday. After searching, she receives the perfect pair as a surprise gift.
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  • An Alpha Sigma Nu Original Story
    A story of reckless holiday shopping... and how to prevent it!
    by ASN
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  • Christmas in Germany
    A comparison of Christmas traditions in Germany and the United States, including decorations, presents, shopping, and food.
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