Significance Books

  • The Lord's Feasts: for kids Spring Feasts
    The story is a collection of three tales about children learning the significance of religious traditions: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. Each story e…
    Eye Icon 2005
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  • The Days We Celebrate
    A poetic celebration of various holidays throughout the year, highlighting their significance and the joy they bring to people of all ages.
  • Why are there symbols for the UNITED STATES?
    Ann learns about various symbols of the United States, their meanings, and significance.
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  • An Adventure of Wounaan Children and Many Birds
    The story is about Wounaan children, Chibau and K'õsi, who learn about their culture, traditions, and the importance of nature through various experiences. They interact with…
  • Celebrating Diwali
    A description of the five-day Diwali festival in India, including traditions, rituals, and significance.
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  • Jewish High Holidays
    An informative book that introduces the Jewish high holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, explaining their significance, traditions, and customs.
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  • Harriet Tubman's Significance
    The story of Harriet Tubman, a slave who escaped to freedom and became a leader in the Underground Railroad, helping many others find freedom as well.
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  • Because of Green
    The story celebrates the color green and its significance in nature, culture, and everyday life.
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