Similes Books

  • The Animal Book of Similes
    A collection of animal descriptions using similes to convey their characteristics and appearance.
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  • Similes
    A kitten lives with her tall parents and a baby. They bring home a puppy, and although the kitten initially dislikes him, they eventually become friends.
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  • The simile story
    A princess and her classmates go to school, learn math, and have fun. They experience various similes along the way.
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  • Similes at the Beach
    A child at the beach learns about similes and uses them to describe various elements of the beach, such as water, clouds, jellyfish, shells, pelicans, sun, wind, crab, starfi…
  • Constituional Simile
    An analogy comparing the three branches of government to a train, with each branch represented by different parts of the train. Includes additional information about importan…
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  • New and Cool Similes
    Aida and Rin learn about similes and have a conversation about their meaning and usage.
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  • Stephanie Learns About Similes
    Kim and Stephanie learn about similes while encountering a giant corgi. They use examples to explain the concept to each other.
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  • It's Battle Time!
    This book is a science fiction narrative. Look for the various figurative language phrases and sentences: similes, personification, alliteration, hyperbole,idiom, imagery, an…
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