Sinking Ship Books

  • King Blue, Kenny the dolphin, and Julia the magical mermaid
    King Blue, Kenny the Dolphin and Julia the Mermaid work together to save a sinking ship.
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  • Titanic
    Max boards the Titanic, makes friends, enjoys the ship, survives the sinking, and remembers her friend Leo.
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  • The Adventures Of PandaGamerXD119 And Minimarshmellow And The Mystery Of the Sunken Ship
    Sinking ships in the middle of nowhere, adventures, and many more.
  • UMS Writing Camp 2022 Lego Adventures
    A collection of children's stories involving adventures, treasure hunts, and battles with mythical creatures. The characters face various challenges and learn important lesso…
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    A brief description of the movie Titanic, which tells the tragic love story set during the sinking of the Titanic in 1912.
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  • The Titanic
    A brief history of the Titanic, from its construction to its sinking and discovery, with some fun facts and a glossary.
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  • Titanic's Life (SHORT VERSION)
    The story of the Titanic, its construction, collision with an iceberg, and sinking, along with an explanation for why it sank.
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  • Last chance to Dive to the Titanic
    The story provides information about the Titanic, its sinking, current state, and the opportunity to visit it. It also mentions the concern of bacteria damaging the ship.
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