Sioux Books

  • Sioux Falls , A Great City
    Learn a little bit about Sioux Falls interesting history through its unique buildings. Written & illustrated by Jason Folkerts
  • Sioux
    A brief introduction to the Sioux tribe, their symbols, and their history.
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  • When Monsters Visit
    This is a short, fun little rhyming story of what happens when silly monsters visit your home. Enjoy!
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  • The Creator
    The Creator and Mother Nature create humans, Chaska and Awinita, who start a tribe called the Sioux.
  • Twisted Tale of the Ugly Duckling
    The story follows the Ugly Duckling, Devon, and his best friend Turk as they face bullying, leave home, and start a successful business.
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  • Trail Of Tears
    A grandmother tells her granddaughter about the Trail of Tears and its impact on their tribe, emphasizing resilience and pride.
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  • South Dakota
    An informational book about South Dakota, including its history, geography, famous landmarks, and notable people.
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  • The Sioux and the West
    Danika tells the story of her Native American ancestors, starting with the Sioux tribe's struggle against the railroad workers and their journey to find a new territory.
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