Size Of Tribes Books

  • The Unknown Wampanoag
    This book provides information about the Wampanoag tribe, including their celebrations, beliefs, leaders, daily life, language, lands, history, and cool facts.
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  • ABC's of MARDI GRAS!
    ABC's of Mardi Gras is a picture book using the alphabet as a way of explaining the many traditions of the Gulf Coast families during this holiday.
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  • Traveling the Oregon Trail
    This informative book provides a detailed account of the Oregon Trail, including its location, reasons for travel, journey length, packing essentials, crossing water, dangers…
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  • The Story of Sacagawea
    The story of Sacagawea, a Native American woman who played a crucial role as an interpreter and guide for Lewis and Clark's expedition.
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  • Different Breeds of Different Dogs
    This is a book about 52 different dog breeds! Do you have a favorite breed of dog? If so, can you locate it in this book? It took 2 days and 5 hours to make, so please leave …
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  • A young fox named Fin is sent to listen to Native Americans who are expanding onto the fox's home. He gets frozen and his body size remains small, leading to the creation of …
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  • The Legend of the Darkness Dragon
    the story of a dragon. not an evil dragon, but one of grace and beauty. when something is stolen from him, it might destroy all the dragons!
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  • Tales of Pantalaia The Fire Empress
    In the land of Pantalaia, Queen Redwood's dragon egg is stolen by Queen Flame. The egg hatches into Palm, who teams up with Tsunami and Krystal to retrieve it. They use a mag…
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