Skepticism Books

  • Don't Believe Everything You Hear
    A group of girls decide to visit a haunted house on Halloween, only to discover it was all a prank. They learn not to believe everything they hear.
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  • Donald's Giant Discovery
    Donald questions various beliefs and comes to the conclusion that if he can't see, touch, or feel something, it must not exist.
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    A determined and talented child overcomes skepticism to become the go-to person for fixing things in their town.
  • the fox and the volcano
    Tim, a mischievous fox, constantly jokes about a volcano exploding. The animals in town are skeptical until the volcano actually erupts.
  • Back to the Future IV
    Martin McFly finds a magazine from the future, filled with amazing inventions. He is skeptical but ultimately decides not to use them.
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  • The Flying Brothers
    The inspiring true story of the Wright brothers, who overcame obstacles and skepticism to invent the airplane, revolutionizing travel.
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  • The Baby Named Lightning
    A couple, Mariah and James, have a baby but face skepticism. Mariah dies after giving birth, leaving Lightning confused. Lightning also turns to dust at 100, teaching the mor…
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  • the mystery of the crystal skulls
    The story explores the mystery of ancient crystal skulls in Mesoamerica, discussing their religious significance, supernatural powers, and debates about their authenticity.
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