Sky Battle Books

  • The Sun and Moon
    A tale of forbidden love between the Sun King and Moon Queen, cursed to rule the skies apart. Mother Nature finds a way for them to be together during storms.
    Eye Icon 14483
    Star Icon 844
  • The Legend of the Crystal Dragon
    A ferocious dragon guards a precious crystal until some heroic scientists befriend him and go on a journey to bring the crystal home.
    Eye Icon 27948
    Star Icon 840
  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
    Eye Icon 37650
    Star Icon 1480
  • Pokémon Adventures
    This is a thrilling adventure story about Dylan and Mason, two young boys who embark on a Pokemon journey. They encounter various challenges, including battles with Team Skul…
    Eye Icon 1068
    Star Icon 53
  • Where's The Fluffy White Dog?
    Wheres the fluffy white dog is like wheres Wally but instead of Wally its a white fluffy dog
    Eye Icon 48
    Star Icon 3
  • The Dragon World
    A collection of descriptions of different types of dragons, each with unique characteristics and abilities.
    Eye Icon 3016
    Star Icon 222
    The world is in danger of being attacked by a dangerous breed of giant wasps from another universe. But it seems too crazy to be true. When the wasps suddenly appear on Earth…
    Eye Icon 1594
    Star Icon 121
  • Batman and Superman
    Batman, Superman, and their superhero friends battle the Joker and Lex Luthor in a series of action-packed chapters.
    Eye Icon 8730
    Star Icon 64
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