Social Isolation Books

  • Social Media is Causing Social Isolation
    The story discusses the impact of social media on social isolation, focusing on how it affects friendships, social skills, and engagement with others.
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  • returning  school
    The story discusses the impact of the pandemic on the community, focusing on changes in social isolation and lifestyle. It concludes with a hopeful outlook for the future.
  • All About PTSD
    This book provides information about PTSD, its causes, symptoms, and treatment options, emphasizing the importance of seeking help for a happy and healthy life.
  • Super Gamer Talks Gaming Addiction
    Super Gamer discusses gaming addiction, its causes, warning signs, physical and emotional effects, and ways to avoid or overcome it.
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  • Antigone
    A princess named Antigone disobeys the king's order and buries her brother, leading to her punishment and social isolation.
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    A brief overview of anxiety, its causes, symptoms, and coping strategies for children.
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  • Chapter 6: Pearl
    A young woman named Hester Prynne and her daughter Pearl face social isolation in Salem due to Hester's sin.
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  • 10 Things I learned in The Quarantine.
    A child reflects on the lessons learned during the pandemic, including personal growth, hygiene, family, and faith.
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