Solving Books

  • Solving
    This book is written and illustrated by three kids who are trying to discover math facts. They are expressing their feelings and steps of leaning when they come up with hard …
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  • The Case of the Missing Teddy Bear
    Johnny and his detective brother, Charlie, solve the mystery of missing items in their house, leading them to their dog Sparky as the culprit.
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    Officer Lawrence is a member of New Eden's police force. When his partner calls in sick one day, Lawrence is joined by an unlikely passenger. Jelly Bean is a squirrel who has…
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  • A Collection of Math Problems to Solve
    Inside this book you'll find many Math story problems that we wrote. We hope that you have as much fun solving them as we did writing them! The Answer Key is at the back of…
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  • A Book of Math Stories to Solve
    Inside this book you'll find many Math story problems that we wrote. We hope that you have as much fun solving them as we did writing them! The Answer Key is at the back the…
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    Officer Russell Valencia is excited about his first day a police officer with the Chicago P.D. He receives the shock of a lifetime when he meets his partner. Despite his init…
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  • Archie, Ellie and the best slide ever!
    A book about inclusion and problem solving when your friends need you to.
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  • Mystery Riddles
    Here are some hard riddles for you to solve! Hope u enjoy it and crack the cases before taking a peek at the answers!
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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