Sorting Books

  • Grandpa, What Did You Do When You Were Little Without A Phone?
    When he was little and before there were mobile phones, grandpa found many ways to live an interesting life.
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  • The Sorting Express
    The Colorblocks have fun sorting different colors with their train, the Sorting Express.
    Eye Icon 351
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  • The Sorting Express
    The Colorblocks have fun sorting different colors with the Sorting Express train.
    Eye Icon 76
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  • The GOOD, the BAD and the EVIL!
    The story introduces the four houses of Hogwarts and their characteristics, as well as the sorting process. It includes a dialogue between Harry and the Sorting Hat.
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  • The Magical Threads of Threadsville: A Tale of Two Journeys
    In this sequel to The Magical Threads of Threadsville, return to the magical town where every piece of clothing has a story! A Tale of Two Journeys follows Tina, a cheerful t…
  • Animal Size Sorting
    A short story about comparing the sizes of animals and putting them in order from biggest to smallest.
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  • Coin Sorting
    A child discovers a problem with sorting their coins and decides to make a coin sorting machine using household items.
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  • WINGS, PAWS, SCALES AND CLAWS! All about animals. Created by Ertrugal
    I made lot's of books.Please check my other one aswel!
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