South Pole Books

    After Christmas, Kris Kringle, AKA Santa Claus, likes to kick back and relax. One day he turns on the TV where he sees someone pretending to be Santa. This Santa claims to be…
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  • Sports Around the World
    An ABC book covering a wide range of sports, from A to Z!
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  • Minty the Elf
    Minty, an elf on the shelf, gets lost on his way to the North Pole and ends up in the South Pole. With the help of a snowman named Icy, Minty retrieves special glitter to fly…
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  • North and South Pole
    Jimmy travels to the North and South Poles, learning about the Earth's tilt and its effect on seasons and day/night cycles.
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  • THE South POLE
    Jordan travels to the South Pole during spring break and learns about its extreme conditions and the reasons behind them.
  • Did you know?
    "Did you know" is a way of introducing fun science facts to children.
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  • Polar Animals
    Ready to learn about polar animals? We will take a trip in your imagination to the Arctic and Antarctic to learn about them. And the best part is that you will be back in tim…
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  • Biography of Sir Ernest Shackleton
    The story of Sir Ernest Shackleton, a British explorer who led the Trans-Antarctic Expedition and survived a shipwreck in Antarctica.
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