Space Needle Books

  • Flat Stanley Visits Ms. Natasha in Seattle
    My cousin sent me a "Flat Stanley" from Pittsburgh - I took it, had fun with it, and created this little tour of Seattle!

    Hope you enjoy it!

    - Ms. Natasha
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  • Seven Man-Made Wonders in the US
    This book explores various man-made wonders around the United States, including the Brooklyn Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, Gateway Arch, Hoover Dam, Mount Rushmore, Mesa Verde …
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  • The Mixed Up Three Little Pigs
    Have you ever wondered about if the old fairy tales were made in the present? Well your to find out one in this book!
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  • goodnight
    Going to The Space Needle, Staying in a Hotel, Going to Sleep Hard, Oh my!, This book will make ya' go to sleep alright
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  • Where, Oh Where Will You Go...
    A book geared towards children that takes them on a little adventure of places around the world they can visit. An easy read with rhyming words to help young minds grow. Wher…
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  • Charlie the Mouse
    Charlie the mouse lives in a valley at the bottom of a big hill, in a little house made out of wood. On this particular day, Charlie decides to build a rocket ship and fly to…
  • How To Make A Quilt!
    A step-by-step guide on how to make a quilt, including tips and advice for beginners.
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  • Terry the Berry Saves the Day
    This book is for my medical terminology class. It is about about berry named Terry that saves his friend by taking her to the doctor. (The empty spaces is for symbols that is…
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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