Special Event Books

  • Moving through the Months
    A rhyming poem that celebrates each month of the year and highlights special events and activities.
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  • Dolly Parton: A Beautiful Life
    A nonfiction story describing Dolly Parton's life, special events, passion for music and more!
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  • Roblox Adopt Me Guide: Table of Contents.
    This is the Table of Contents for the series of books I'll be doing on this topic. If we get this book to 500 likes on the first 30 days, I"ll be doing a giveaway!
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  • Harmony Unleashed
    In this story, read about Harmony Unleashed, a band made from four lifelong friends who have a passion for music!
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  • Llama-Llama Tutu takes a Vacation
    About the Author:
    Tani (Taw-nee) Adams
    I have lived in the Pacific Northwest most of my life. I was a volunteer Club leader for Washington State University Youth P…
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  • Freddy Fox and the Special Spring Day
    Freddy Fox and the Special Spring Day is a story of family and friendship. It tells of the excitement the forest family friends have when they get to meet their newest friend…
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  • The Boy With The Golden Heart
    The story follows the life of DeLas, a boy with a golden heart, who overcomes adversity and makes a positive impact on his community.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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