Spending Books

  • The New Superhero
    Peter and Jake are best friends who love reading comic books. When a new student, Alex, arrives at school, Jake starts spending more time with him, leaving Peter feeling left…
    Eye Icon 695
    Star Icon 17
  • Financial Literacy Comic
    Budget-Man, a superhero, helps people balance their budget by giving them advice on saving, spending wisely, and avoiding bankruptcy.
    Eye Icon 85
    Star Icon 8
  • Our Quarantine Adventures
    Our first grade class wrote about how their lives have changed during the Coronavirus Quarantine.
    Eye Icon 5591
    Star Icon 289
  • The Loneliest Not Lonely Bear
    A bear's journey of self-reflection and through the forest he calls home.
    Eye Icon 27993
    Star Icon 1457
    A family celebrates Canada Day by spending the day outside, enjoying nature and engaging in various activities.
    Eye Icon 97
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  • Foxxy Finds Bear
    Foxxy the fox searches for his friend Bear in the forest, eventually finding him and spending a fun day together.
    Eye Icon 14
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  • A Dab of Magic Author: Riley Gallant
    Two dogs and princesses go on a mystical adventure, encountering unicorns, a magical palace, and Candyland.
    Eye Icon 618
    Star Icon 35
  • Ellie & Bunny
    A short story about two best friends that love spending time with each other
    Eye Icon 85
    Star Icon 4
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