Sphinx Books

  • Sphinx of Giza
    The Great Sphinx of Giza is a prominent mythological figure in Egyptian, Asian, and Greek mythology. It is a lion with a human head and is one of the largest sculptures in th…
  • How the Cat Lost Its Hair
    In ancient Egypt, a cat named Sphinx is obsessed with his hair. The god Seth tricks him into a journey in the hot desert, causing Sphinx to lose all his hair.
  • A Dog Finds His Boy
    Two wacky brothers from the village of Krum arrive in a neighboring town and announce that they will accept any challenge the townsfolk throw at them. The mayor challenges th…
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  • A Colorful Adventure
    Lyla, Laura, and Layla visit The Children's Museum and embark on a magical adventure through time and space with the help of a friendly ghost named TJ.
  • Abby's Adventure Around The World
    Abby wants to go on a adventure to Mount Fuji and many more.
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  • Famous Landmarks
    The book introduces landmarks and provides brief descriptions of famous ones around the world.
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  • The Sphinx By: Edgar Allan Poe
    A person visits their relative and encounters a terrifying monster. They faint, and their relative finds a book with a similar description of the monster.
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  • Cats
    Personally I love cats and am always looking for a book with interesting facts about cats so I made this I hope you enjoy this book and learn a lot!(I have more than 3 books)…
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