Starvation Books

  • The White Buffalo Woman
    A Native American tribe called the Lakota's nation faces starvation, but two brave men encounter a mysterious woman who brings gifts and teachings to the community.
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  • The Hungry Dog
    This book is about the hungry dog. He lives in a forest and wants to find something to eat, but cannot find things that dogs eat until one day he finds a lean, mean piece of…
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  • The Food
    Mr. Adams and his neighbors are starving in their town. A mysterious encounter leads to a miraculous rain of food.
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  • A Monkey Journey
    A farmer and his family face hardships during the Great Depression, including drought, unemployment, and starvation.
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    Oliver Twist, an orphan, faces mistreatment, starvation, and crime in 19th century England. The story explores themes of corruption, discrimination, poverty, and their impact…
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  • The Ugly
    A hamburger named Ugly tells the story of how he willingly sacrificed himself to save his friend, a caveman named Iggy, from starvation.
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  • the tree and the rabbit
    A lonely willow tree named Charlie befriends a rabbit named Henry, who saves him from starvation and danger.
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  • The Wolf With White Fur
    A wolf cub who never felt accepted in her pack soon goes on the journey of a lifetime to discover the true meaning of bravery and having a family.
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