Stock Market Books

  • Stock Market Basics
    A comprehensive guide to understanding and investing in the stock market, including explanations of key concepts, step-by-step instructions, personal experiences, and valuabl…
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    Joe, a new entrepreneur, learns about stocks and the stock market through his interest in Microsoft. He discovers terms like 52-week high/low, price/earning ratio, Nasdaq, di…
  • How to Make Money Without Sweating
    Cow and Ox receive money from their father. Cow spends it all, while Ox invests in the stock market and becomes wealthy.
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  • GP Stock market
    A brief overview of the history and current use of stocks and the internet in the stock market.
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  • The great depression
    A brief overview of the causes and effects of the Great Depression, including the stock market crash, unemployment, poverty, and cultural impact.
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  • My Life During the Great Depression
    A personal account of a family's experience during the Great Depression, including the impact of the stock market crash, unemployment, and government programs like the New De…
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  • The monkey and the dog
    A monkey and a dog are best friends. The dog saves money and buys a house, while the monkey loses his money in the stock market.
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