Stocks Books

  • Stock Market Basics
    A comprehensive guide to understanding and investing in the stock market, including explanations of key concepts, step-by-step instructions, personal experiences, and valuabl…
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  • Stocks
    Joe the donkey and Bill the goat are friends. Joe decides to invest in stocks but loses money, while Bill learns about the risks of investing.
  • Investment Fable
    A lion and a bear make different choices with their savings: the lion invests in stocks, while the bear saves money. After 10 years, the lion's investment is nearly destroyed…
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  • Daisy's Stock Investment
    Ren and friends try to convince Daisy to invest in stocks, despite her concerns about the risks involved.
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  • Penny and Finn Invest
    Penny the Penguin and Finn the Dolphin have a competition to see who will do better with their money: investing in stocks or saving. Penny wins by earning a large amount of m…
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  • The Animals who Invested
    A bear and a bull have a disagreement about investing in stocks or bonds, but they eventually compromise and make their own investments.
  • Cyrus & Reese and the balanced portfolio
    Cyrus seeks Reese's advice on investing in stocks. Reese explains the importance of a balanced portfolio with high and low-risk investments.
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    Joe, a new entrepreneur, learns about stocks and the stock market through his interest in Microsoft. He discovers terms like 52-week high/low, price/earning ratio, Nasdaq, di…
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