Success Books

  • Cat and the Rat
    A rat that get cornered by a cat and escapes by rearranging the letters in his name to change shapes.
    Eye Icon 11733
    Star Icon 395
  • The Success of the Great Pirates
    This book is about how a Ruler stole a group of pirates called the Mystery Hunters and they escaped and island to a different land but not so easily. After they escape do the…
    Eye Icon 526
    Star Icon 42
  • Ni'rell's New Success
    Nirell and Jade work together to open a shoe store called NextDoor Shoes. They find a location, plan a grand opening, and successfully open the store.
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  • The Man Who Changed The World!
    For my Dad... An amazing man who taught me to never stop striving for greatness and always encouraged me to do and be my absolute best.
    Eye Icon 977
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  • The History of Nintendo
    This book is about the history of main Nintendo consoles and events.
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  • The ZYX Trip
    Teaching children to break down big tasks to more manageable tasks in order to have success in learning.
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  • Mario Lemieux
    The story of Mario Lemieux, a penguin who becomes a hockey star and leads the Pittsburgh Penguins to victory.
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  • The Great One
    This book is all about the life of Wayne Gretzky and how he became an amazing hockey player!
    Eye Icon 249
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