Suffrage Books

  • Susan B. Anthony
    This is a biography of Susan B. Anthony, a prominent figure in the women's suffrage movement in the United States.
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  • Susan B. Anthony
    The story of Susan B. Anthony, a prominent women's rights activist who fought for suffrage and equality in the United States.
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  • Women Suffrage
    A collection of biographical information about key figures in the women's rights movement and related events in American history.
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  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton
    A poem about Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a strong woman who fought for women's rights and led the suffrage movement.
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  • Susan B. Anthony
    The story of Susan B. Anthony's life and her fight for women's rights, including her arrest and continued activism.
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  • Girls Are Equal Too
    The story discusses the women's rights movement in the late 1800s, focusing on Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Susan B. Anthony's efforts to secure women's suffrag…
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  • From Suffrage to Sensation The Life of Susan B. Anthony
    The story of Susan B. Anthony, a prominent women's rights activist and abolitionist, who fought for equality and the right to vote.
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  • Olivia the Suffragette
    Join Olivia, a spunky, smart, and brave 12-year-old girl, as she travels through time and space to experience historic events!
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