Sugar Books

  • Chocolate Milk Should Be Banned!
    A persuasive essay arguing against serving chocolate milk in schools due to its high sugar and calorie content, which can lead to childhood obesity.
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  • The Beauty of Life & The Beauty of Nature
    Discover the beauty of the world in simple, relaxing pages and beautiful pictures.
    Eye Icon 7745
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  • Sugar Bugs In My Smile
    A rhyming story that explains why we need to brush and floss our teeth every day to keep the 'sugar bugs' away.
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  • Payton Learns About Diabetes!
    Payton is a young girl who is diagnosed with Diabetes. Her mother and doctor help to teach her about her condition. This is an educational book for children who are diagnosed…
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    Terry meets a new unexpected friend while visiting his grandmother's house for the summer.
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  • How to choose the healthiest drinks
    The story discusses the health effects of sugary drinks, fruit juice, artificially sweetened drinks, and coffee/tea, providing different perspectives and recommendations.
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  • Good Riddance!
    Three cranky witches have moved in with the power to make you croak! What will become of the town? Everything depends on one small boy and a cup of sugar...
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  • The Time Warp
    First book in the trilogy "Time and Space". Two young boys travel back in time to 1960's New York and try to get back home.
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